Tuesday, September 30, 2008

old mob blog

Apart from the mosquitoes that trouble me because i have to keep the window open during summer and the more recent concern of charging my phone i've never really had any complaints against power cuts in the evenings. For me it is and has always been a welcome pause in the life's requirements. Be it sitting by candle letting it's flames mesmerise you or drifting away in your own little secret thoughts where no one can see you smile in the dark. Load shedding always have me the opportunity to take a moment and enjoy a still life...my fondest memories were of sitting on the verandah by my grandmother's chair listening to her stories. Just the night breeze, smell of rain and my grandmothers gentle tone taking me away to someplace peaceful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You just have to come and feel that in assam grumbleB, even the sounds of the crickets will be different :)